Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Right On Target

We went to Target yesterday to get some more boxes to organize all of the kids' toys. It was a decent trip with only a couple of minor hang-ups (Jordan got stuck in the card section... He wanted to open all of the musical ones and dance. Then he pooped in aisle 13 and cleared out aisles 7-20.) Well, we got to the check out and I was glancing over the magazines for a moment. Emma was in the cart and I could see her perfectly.  Jordan was on the side of the cart, trapped between cart, checkout stand and magazine rack, so I knew he couldn't cause too much trouble.?.  I started unloading our cart when I looked down and realized there was a friggin candy rack on the fourth side of Jordan- his forth wall. And he had been helping himself. Thank God for PMS because I would have been pissed that I had to buy that much chocolate any other day. Also, shout out to Three Musketeers and Rolos for wrapping my favorite candy bars in shiny metallic looking wrappers that are attractive to the toddler eye.