Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm Back!

Asyou may have noticed, I haven't blogged for a while. Life with two toddlers has been pretty chaotic! The terrible twos have been awesome (and terrible). In the past year we have been through ups, downs, and all arounds. We've moved, resized (everyone has gotten bigger- peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for everybody! Woohoo!), made new friends and learned new lessons every day. I've written a children's book (and am hoping to hear back from a publisher soon), learned to paint (well... finger paint), and set up an awesome in-home preschool for the kids. We've been to doctors appointments galore, learned about Jordan's love of women, potty trained, and been on some pretty awesome (and not so awesome) family vacations. We have had birthday parties and going away parties and Michael Jackson dance parties, tea parties and paint parties and screw-it-all-let's-watch-cartoons-all-day parties. I've consumed enough coffee to kill elephants (plural), built beds (who knew I could use tools), lost my mind several times (this doesn't actually include my fanny-pack wearing escapades to public places although I'm aware that those are arguable moments for this category), developed my skills as a master toddler hair-cutter, and um, never figured out how to get all the laundry done. We have offended several thousand people (diarrhea helps here, as does Jordan's love of boobs), made several thousand others laugh (add diarrhea to this category too), and even awed a couple (not a couple thousand- just a couple, actually). It has been a busy, busy time, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! I hope you enjoy these next few posts... I'll be posting some of my favorite stories from this last year to catch you all up! :)