Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Mischievous Morning

Jordan had a mischievous morning this morning. He usually has those, but this one was more eventful than many of the others.

First, I left him in his high chair for a moment with his breakfast while I changed Emma's diaper. When we came back in, he was a super-hero. What I mean by that is that when we walked back into the room, he was standing on top of his high chair with one foot on each arm rest, with one arm in the air and the other by his side. It's really hard not to laugh at something like that, but I've become the master of the silent belly laugh -- where my belly still shakes like a bowl full of jelly but I try desperately to make the laughter silent and concentrate on not smiling. Quite the trick.

Second, I took Jordan out of the high chair and thought I'd let him play in the living room while I unpacked Christmas decorations. I unloaded one of the boxes (we keep them in those giant Tupperware boxes) and started putting the lights on the Christmas tree. I had the second row of lights nearly in place when I heard a thud and a squeal. I turned around. No Jordan in sight. Emma sat there peacefully on the floor and smiled. And up popped the Jordie head out of the empty box. How he got in there without tipping it over is beyond me. But once he was in there, he maintained the inability to tip the box over. "Duck mommy. I duck." Yep, and you will remain duck until I get a picture of this. Hahaha... evil mommy.

Shortly after that, as I finished up the forth row of lights on the tree, the tree came toppling over. Why? Because my sweet little son was trying to climb it. Now I can't get it stable because the trunk and the base are no longer friends. Guess I wont finish the tree today.

So I went in the other room to change Emma again and Jordan followed us in there. He stood next to me and talked to me while I changed his sister, and was being very cute. He was still wearing his pajamas, and he was playing with the zipper. I finished changing Emma and looked down to see my son with his jammie zipper down to his belly button and the top completely open. I was a little surprised because I had never seen him undo a zipper before, but what surprised me more was what he said when I looked at him. "I yike it dis mommy." Great. He likes it and he can do it himself. And he looks silly as hell.

Later on, I took the kids out for a walk because it was sunny and warm outside. When we got home, I pulled Jordan out of the stroller and set him down, then pulled Emma out. Jordan had run into our bedroom, so I assumed he was going to play with his toys in there or try to turn the TV on and I went in the kitchen to get some water. But as I stood in the kitchen, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. It was Jordan. He was standing outside. How did he get there? He opened the sliding glass door in the bedroom and snuck out. Time for round 7,346,892 of childproofing and prayer round 9,473,164,002 that this is a toddler behavior that doesn't continue into the teenage years.

So I got him back inside and the door locked back up (for some reason I was hoping at the time that slamming the locking mechanism into place would somehow make it more difficult for him to open next time... I can't wait for mommy brain to go away). I put both babies on the floor in the living room while I went into the kitchen to make some lunch. I made some lunch and put Jordan in his high chair to eat, then went to pick up Emma and snuggle her a little before nap time. That was when I realized that Emma was bleeding from the top of her head. Her hair and scalp were sticky and red, but I couldn't figure out what could have happened to her because I never heard her cry. And then I realized that there was no cut where the blood could have come from. And then I realized that Jordan had a little piece of red licorice in his hand still. I'm not really sure where he got the licorice, but it's real cute that he chewed it up and drooled it all over his sister's head. Glad it wasn't gum.

It's nap time now. Thank you God.