Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Foot in Mouth. Now.

Today I learned that even the oldest and sweetest of ladies can put their feet in their mouths. We were walking along the loop that we like to walk in our neighborhood in an attempt to burn off some of the Thanksgiving week calories. I was struggling to get the stroller up a small hill -- the stroller weighs about 100 pounds when the kids are both in it. As I sang the alphabet song along with each step (to keep the kids happy), I heard a voice behind me... "I'm passing you on the right." I turned around to see a cute little old lady power walking up the same hill I was struggling with. She walked beside me for a moment and asked how old the kids were, then told me that she thought they were so cute. She said that it was sweet that I was singing to them as we walked, and I was immediately mortified that she had actually heard me singing. Mainly because I like to pretend I'm a really good singer when I sing the ABCs even though I make William Hung sound like an American Idol. And then the kicker. She said that pushing the stroller up the hill looked like a workout in itself. I told her that yes, it is very heavy, and the hills give me a great workout. Here it comes. "Well keep that up and you'll lose the baby weight in no time!" Did she really just say that? Yes. Yes, she did.