Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ashes, Ashes, We All Freak Out

Sometimes I wish there was Tivo for life. Most of the time, it would be to rewind and replay all the little adorable moments in my kids' lives. But occassionally, it would be to rewind, stop, delete, and get a new show. We had one of those occassions today.

I woke up feeling like the house needed some serious cleaning. After a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend of doing absolutely nothing, the house was beginning to look like a disaster zone. I realized exactly how bad it was when Emma was crawling around on the floor and her hands, legs, and face were all covered in dirt. Gross.

So I started cleaning things up. I did the dishes, cleaned the ashes out of the fireplace, started some laundry, and decided to go work in the garage for a few minutes and clean up the pile of baby gear that had accumulated next to the firewood stack. The gear had been piling up because I kept taking things out of my car and leaving them there to make more room for other junk. And I would have cleaned the pile up earlier, but we had brought so much firewood into the house over the top of it that it was all covered in the wood dirt. Anyway, it needed to be cleaned up. Emma was napping, so I took Jordan out there with me and let him play with his golf clubs while I sorted through things. I was almost finished, and was sweeping up the floor when I heard something fall over and Jordan said "Oh no..." I turned around to see the entire bucket of ashes that I had just cleaned out of the fireplace -- DUMPED ALL OVER THE FLOOR I JUST SWEPT. When I repeated my sweet little son... "Oh no!!!"... he freaked out and waved his golf club through the ashes, sending them flying all over all of the toys I just cleaned, himself, and me. Rewind, stop, delete.