Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This potty training thing has been interesting. There are days when Jordan wants to sit on the toilet all day, and there are days he could care less. Today is one of the all day days. He pooped in his diaper and came and grabbed me and wanted to sit on the toilet. I undiapered him and helped him up there and he sat for a few minutes, pottyless. When he was done, he wanted to wash his hands. So I turned the water on and sat him on my leg and helped him wash his hands. When he was all done, I set him down and he ran away. I looked down to pick up his diaper off the floor, and as I was looking down, I noticed something on my leg where Jordan was sitting to wash his hands. I had been skid marked. Next time I will remember that even though he didn't go in the toilet, he did in fact go.