Thursday, December 17, 2009

Larrietta David

We met Larry David's female Safeway-working counterpart the other day. We had to go stock up on new babyfood after Emma's pediatrician put her on a special fruit-based diet. (The pediatrician appointment was another disaster altogether... Jordan went into overprotective brother mode when the doctor made Emma cry, and bit the doctor before I could grab him.) Anyway, I thought I would get some apples while we were there. When we got to the checkout counter, I realized that Jordan had taken bites out of some of the apples. I never would have thought that was a big deal. But to Larrietta David (our lovely checker), it was. She made a huge deal about the bites and told me she would have to calculate the weight of the bites so that she knew how much to charge me. However, this clearly well-educated and motivated 40-year old woman standing on the other side of the counter must have foregewd (thank you Celebrity Apprentice for that word) math classes from Kindergarten on. She kept us standing there for about 10 minutes as the line got longer and longer, even after I told her I would just pay for an extra apple. Finally, in her frustration, she threw the apples in a bag and totalled our order. Her last words to me: "I'll just give them to you at this weight as a courtesy."
I guess she foregewd vocabulary lessons too.