Monday, October 12, 2009

A Day of Ruins...

We had a horrible day last Friday. It started out great, with the normal relaxing time in the morning, full of coffee, yummy breakfast, and happy kids. But Fridays are my designated cleaning days -- the one day where I pay less attention to the kids and more attention to the house in an attempt to keep some degree of cleanliness in this house. I started with laundry. The laundry baskets were overflowing onto the floor. I carefully sorted through the clothes and started the first load, later the second, then third... Three loads in and it was time to fold a load of whites. Or now a load of pinks. Jordan often "helps" me do the laundry. He snuck in some help today. Thanks, son.

Moving on to the bathroom. As I scrubbed the counter down, I made a pile of things that don't belong in the bathroom (Emma's pacifier, a pile of clothes, the handle to our cheese grater that Jordan likes to play with). Jordan picked up the handle to the cheese grater. I told him to go put it in the kitchen sink. We've been working on that lately. He immediately turned around and threw it in the toilet. GROSS. As I looked under the sink for a glove to pull it out, WHOOOOOOSHHHHHH. He flushed it down. The toilet is ruined now too.

I walked into the kitchen to breathe away my frustration when I noticed the garbage can lid was not shut all the way. The reason? Emma's clean clothes were in there. Covered in coffee grounds. Not a good day. Loads seven and eight of laundry...

I walked back into the bedroom just in time to see Jordan pour my cold cup of coffee on our bedroom floor. On the carpet. Most of it came out, but that sludgy part at the bottom... well, that's still on the floor.

As I was scrubbing the coffee out of the carpet, I noticed that the VCR wasn't shut all the way. We don't even use the VCR so I thought I better check to see what the problem was. I peeked into the little door, and pulled out three DVDs, Emma's teether and a pair of underwear.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to clean the house. It stays cleaner when I focus all my energy on making sure Jordan doesn't get into things.