Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do I Tell Her?

The kids and I went to lunch with a friend of mine the other day. I've known her since high school, and after losing contact with her for several years, we finally reconnected. I was really excited to go to lunch with her and catch up a little more. So we went to a little Italian restaurant near her work, and we each ordered a little pizza. When we got our food, Jordan took a couple of bites of mine and decided that he wanted hers instead. It's really embarrassing when your child misbehaves in a restaurant. But I'm lucky enough that my friend happens to love babies, and she was happy to be Jordan's new lap host. She was giving him little bites of her pizza when I noticed that he was also helping himself to her pizza. But only the pepperoni. The thing is, he doesn't like pepperoni. I know this from experience. And as I saw him pull each pepperoni off her pizza and stick it in his mouth, I also witnessed him pulling the pepperoni back out of his mouth and placing it back on the pizza. Of course I immediately told her, and told him "No thank you, Jordan." (A social experiment I thought I'd try -- I never say "no"; I always say "no thank you", even if it doesn't make sense... I'm hoping it will help make my naughty little boy more polite.) Anyway, she said "Oh, it's okay...." Okay, 1) I never know if people really mean that when they say it. 2) Do I tell her that he regularly sits in our garden and uses his breakfast spoon to shovel dirt into his mouth?