Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wake Up Time!

Jordan was always a terrible sleeper in his early months. He woke up every hour or so to nurse, but did this all night long. By the time he was six months old, his pediatrician told me to let him cry it out for three nights -- just ignore the crying, don't let him nurse, and see what happens after that. I was desperate at that point, and I trust her professional advice, so after enduring three of the most horrible nights of our lives (Dave even had to go sleep upstairs with ear plugs and extra pillows just to get enough sleep to go to work), we ended up with a sweet little boy who has slept until 8 or 9am almost every single morning since. So when little Emma was born and slept from 10pm-6am straight every single night from the get-go, we were very excited! She slept so well, and I told everybody how I got so lucky this time and how it must have been God's way of thanking me for dealing with such craziness the first time around. (As a side note, I'm not messing with God anymore. Who was I to think God would thank me for something?! God doesn't need to thank lowly little non-church-going-Bible-reading me.) Anyway, all of a sudden, four months rolled around and my sweet little sleeping girl decided to wake up at 3am. The next night, same story. This continued for a week. Now it is the following week. That little girl has decided that 3am is an appropriate time to wake up and start the day. WHY?!!!! She wakes up at 3am, and stays awake until Jordan wakes up. And the most frustrating part: as I peeled myself out of bed this morning after only a few hours of sleep, and headed up to go get Jordan out of his crib and start the day, I looked down at my little sleep terrorist only to see her look into my eyes and grin a huge, gummy grin, just before she drifted into a deep sleep.