Sunday, June 5, 2011


I was just finishing up the breakfast dishes when Emma walked in completely covered in blue. It was in her hair, on her hands, clothes, face, and even her toes. A perfect opportunity for a little talk about getting into things? Would have been, if she hadn't started crying...

Em: Mommy, brudder telled me dis choc-it an it NOT! It gwoss!
(Tears begin to stream... Brother runs in on the defense.)
Jord: I NOT say'd it choc-it! I say'd it CHALK, Mommy! She eated it!
Em: Ohhh nooo Mommy, it gwoss. He need time-out.
Jord: Not time-out! I say'd chalk, Mommy. SHE say'd choc-it.

That may be the cutest mistake I think I've ever seen.