Monday, June 13, 2011

Blanket Dander

I have ridiculous allergies this morning. My eyes are swollen, my nose is running, my throat itches and I can't stop sneezing. Have I been around a shedding animal? No. Am I having grass or pollen allergies? Nope. Could it be the trees? No, not that either. What could be causing this incredible misery then? It's the kids' damn blankies. Dave washed them with our towels the other day and they shed their nasty fluff all over. Now I'm being suffocated by raunchy blanket fluff. I feel like I'm dying, and this is a horrible way to go. Suffocated by slobber-induced-rotting blanket fibers? I might prefer the droopy-loogie torture by my brothers that I endured as a kid. At least THAT spit was fresh, and not sticking to the walls of my lungs. I'm starting to think I even prefer things like last month's barf-o-rama, when I couldn't suppress my gag reflex after my poor child spewed all over me. At least that was fleeting torture.