Monday, September 21, 2009

Not-the-Boss Mom

The day your child realizes he has a choice is a sucky day. When you ask him to give you back your phone and he says "no" and runs away with it, it is absolutely shocking. When you put something on the counter to keep it away from the little guy and moments later you hear the bar stool squeaking across the kitchen floor and your son is sitting on the counter playing with the exact object you were trying to keep away from him... that’s also shocking. It makes you wonder where he learned how to do all of these things. But when you take a brush away from him and he backs up and gets a running start before head-butting you so hard he falls to the floor and erupts in laughter, you realize there is a new dimension to parenting that you never thought of before. Because you know exactly where he learned that and you never thought you’d find yourself parenting the other parent.