Friday, September 11, 2009

Heavy Load

I normally have to carry Emma around with me wherever I go. She can't sit alone or crawl yet (despite Jordan's recent efforts at "heping" her -- he drags her by her front arms if she's unattended even for a moment during tummy time). And when there are two babies in the house, the tolerance level for crying from either one goes down, unfortunately. Emma cries if she is left alone for even the shortest amount of time, and honestly I would too if I were her simply because of her "helpful" brother. So there lies the reason I end up with at least one baby on my hip the majority of the day. But today Emma wouldn't stop crying even when I was holding her. Jordan was following us around everywhere and kept bumping into my legs, so I thought maybe she was just upset by him for some reason. Until I made a quick turn and Emma was nearly yanked from my hip. By her brother who was hanging from her legs. Maybe the trip to the Circus was a bad idea.