Friday, September 25, 2009

A Day of Surprises...

Our day started as usual -- a cup of coffee and breakfast outside. But that was the only usual part of it. The rest of the day was full of surprises.

Surprise #1: I decided to clean out Jordan's toy box after breakfast because it hadn't been done in a couple of weeks and he had been putting toys from his room in the box, so it was completely overflowing and our living room was filled with toys. I started emptying the toy box out, and when I got to the bottom, what did I find? String cheeses, hot-dogs, bananas, bread, tomatoes... all chewed up and spit into the toy box. Some of them had clearly been in there since the last time the box had been cleaned out. YUCK. Guess I'll Clorox-wipe that.

Surprise #2: I put "So You Think You Can Dance" on in the living room for Jordan while I folded some laundry in the other room. When I returned, there he lay, butt naked, on the kitchen counter (he climbed the bar stool), wiggle-dancing to the music. Guess I'll Clorox-wipe that too.

Surprise #3: I gave Jordan a shower. I dried him off and he scrambled out of the bathroom while I cleaned up. Only seconds later, I heard him scream, and looked out of the bathroom just in time to see that... not only had he pooped on our bedroom floor- he stepped in it. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he was sliding his foot across the bedroom trying to get it off. Rubbing poop into the carpet as he went. I think I'm going to invest in a carpet cleaner. Clorox wipes wont even fix this.

Surprise #4: After scrubbing the poop out of the carpet, we finally got ready to go to the store. I opened the garage door and Jordan ran out into the driveway. He stepped on a snake (yes, a real and living one), then grabbed its head end as it wriggled to its death. I freaked out that my 17 month old baby was holding a snake (a snake!!! I hate snakes!!!) and I ran over to grab it from him. But he threw it at me instead. While he stood there fearless, I did the heebie jeebie dance in the driveway.

Surprise #5: We finally got to the grocery store. Jordan was in the back of the cart and Emma was in the seat in the front. I stopped for a moment when we walked in so that I could check my list to see what I needed. When I looked up, Jordan was eating bread. We didn't bring any bread into the store with us.