Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blame Shifter

I was trying to put both babies down for a nap at the same time today-- something I have never actually tried before. Usually I put Emma down, then Jordan. That works great, but I was feeling lazy. So I had Jordan pinned under my right leg and Emma pinned under my left arm (for some reason I think that's an effective way to get them to fall asleep... never works). Finally, Jordan wiggled out of my leg lock and I thought I'd focus on Emma first instead, like we usually do, and turned to face her. But we were on my bed, not their beds. The difference is that I keep a jar of pens by my bed. Well, that and their beds are much much smaller, but that's not really relevant to my story. So as I was trying to get Emma to fall asleep, Jordan kept poking me in the back of the head with something. The little stinker was grabbing pens from the jar to poke me with! I kept reaching behind me and grabbing them out of his hands, then tossing them to the foot of the bed. He kept finding more. Finally I got fed up, so I sat up and began scolding him as I turned around to face him. And as I turned around, I watched him scoot over and shove the pen into sleeping Emma's hand. Right before he pointed at her and said "dere" ("there" in baby-speak). This is going to be a fun few years.