Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What to Wear...

It's been 16 months and I have yet to find a color that I can wear as a parent. In the beginning, when it was just Jordan, I wore a lot of white to hide the spit up. But now I have two. If I wear white, I end up covered in Jordan's dirt and food within minutes -- right now I'm actually covered in squished up peaches from breakfast and dirt from the planter box that Jordan dug through. I thought it would be less messy if we had breakfast outside this morning, but I didn't think about the fact that the mess maker is mobile when not confined to a highchair, and there is DIRT outside. But I can't wear black either, because Emma still spits up so much. If I wear white, there are handprints on me; black, I've got puke trails all down my back and on my shoulders. So I've tried a number of different colored shirts, and all of them seem to have a similar problem -- some colors even display both sets of baby mess. I finally found a shirt that I felt would hide the fact that I can't seem to stay clean ! Dave and I were going to go to a movie, so I thought I would wear the shirt for our date, and not only have a break from the kids, but actually look like I was having a break from the kids by my "clean shirt" standard. On the way to the movie, I was feeling proud of my find. Until Dave looked at me and commented about the color. Really, rotten asparagus green doesn't look good on me?