Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Diaper Free

I know it's not time for Jordan to start potty training yet. He's only 16 months old, afterall, and doesn't even understand what pee-pee is at this point. But we bought him a musical potty chair, hoping that he would get used to seeing it, and maybe accidentally pee in it someday and realize it makes fun music when he does that. So far, the only time the potty chair ever made music was after Jordan watched Dave clean the regular toilet with the toilet brush. Jordan decided to clean the baby toilet on his own after that. Really no good. It was messy and disgusting... water and gross germs everywhere. Thank God for Chlorox wipes, seriously. I don't know what parents did before those were invented. Anyway, because I want to encourage Jordan to use the potty, every once in a while I let him go without a diaper when we are in the bathroom. So far, this has never ever proven to be useful in any way, other than allowing me to tell him he's going pee-pee on the floor. One time, I got out of the shower and I was putting on my makeup when Jordan walked over to me, diaper free, and started slapping my legs. Then I felt him drop something on my foot. So I looked down only to find that what he dropped on my foot was brown and stinky. Thanks, lovely son. I dutifully cleaned it up without a hint of disgust on my face (wouldn't want to give him a complex, right?). Shortly after that episode, Jordan decided that he liked being diaper free, and that if I wasn't going to take the diaper off, he was. The first time I cleaned up poo off the carpet, I was upset. But I should have been grateful that it was just on the carpet. It has been in some way worse places since then. For example, once he decided to pick it up off the carpet himself. And spread it artistically about the bedroom... on the television, on the shutters, even on the wall. That was lovely. Once again, Chlorox wipes to the rescue. Thank God they sell them at Costco. But I think the worst of all of these little lovely moments in parenting was when I walked into the dining room to find him standing on the table, diaper free, yelling and pointing at a lovely pile of poo he left. On the table.