Monday, June 6, 2011

The Stench of Reality

I found an almost-empty cup of milk this morning when I was picking up in the playroom. Not thinking too hard about it, I took it downstairs and opened it to wash it. Jordan was standing right next to me when the week old sour milk stench blasted its way out of the cup...

My family has made it very clear at this point that Emma's blankie is disgusting. My mom makes new suggestions of horrible similar smells each time she even thinks of the blanket. And I have to admit, once I thought a dirty diaper had been left in the car on a hot day, but after a thorough search of the car, found nothing but the blanket. I have three "copies" of it, but she likes to suck on the corners of it. Within a few hours, the blanket stinks, but I refuse to give her more than one a day. It's just too much laundry...

Well, I guess I know how terrible the blankie really smells now, because my son has a way of piercing through the fog of mommy denial. When that horendous smell of sour milk entered our nostrils, Jordan quickly proclaimed, "Dat smell yike Emma's bankie." Holy crap, he's right. Not letting her take that out in public anymore.