Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Simple Division

This morning Jordan asked me for help going to the bathroom. Now, let me start this by saying that he is fully capable of doing this on his own by now and I have no idea why he suddenly wants my help (except for the occasional times like at my brother's house the other day when he decided to only pull his pants down enough to get the urine out, but not enough to allow for any aim, thereby causing a fountain that subsequently sprayed across walls, lids, seats, toilet paper and floor, and barely missed the reading material). So now he wants my help. Where do I turn? Bribery, of course. He may have a piece of chocolate if he goes alone. Minutes later, my proud son walked over to me with a grin worthy of suspicion. 
"Mommy I needa show you sumpin."
"Okay, show me."
He took my hand and walked me into the bathroom, then pointed at his doings, proudly.
"I pooped TWO times! I need two choc-its."
Buddy, just because it broke in two upon entry does not qualify you for two rewards...
But to save myself the fight, I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of chocolate, and broke it in two. 
"There you go Buddy. Good job!"