Monday, June 20, 2011

The Return of the Green Puppy

It has been months since Jordan first decided he wanted a green puppy. We've heard many, many stories about the green puppy since that first day. But since there aren't any green puppies out there, we thought we would try to redirect Jordan a little. When he started talking about getting a green puppy, we told him he can't have a green one but he COULD choose between a regular puppy or no puppy. The conversation continued for several minutes and we realized he wasn't getting it. Dave tried to put it differently...
Dave: Look, Buddy, you can either have a black puppy or no puppy. What do you choose?
Jordan: Gween puppy.
D: Okay you have a box with a black puppy and you have a box with no puppy. Which box do you want?
J: None of dem. I wan da box wif da gween puppy.
D: Okay there is a man and he has three boxes. One has a green puppy (uses his hands to show the "boxes"), one has a black puppy, and one has no puppy. The man says you cant have the box with the green puppy but you can have either of the other two boxes. What do you do?
J: I get a NEW man and HE give me da gween puppy.

Fast forward to today, when Jordan had to go in and get a couple of stitches in his chin after a trip into the sidewalk...
The nurse gave Jordan a little sedation before the stitches. She returned a few minutes later to see if it had kicked in yet. She was immediately pleased that the sedation was working... Oh wait, he ALWAYS talks about green puppies running through the rainbows? Nevermind, I'll come back in a few more minutes when it actually kicks in...