Thursday, June 2, 2011


I woke up last night around 4am wondering what happened to my pillow when I realized it had been hijacked. In it's place? A small pair of bare, slightly sticky butt cheeks. Stuck to my face. Fantastic! Just what I love waking up to! Not only were the cheeks bare; the entire kid followed in the same manner. I rolled out of bed to reassess the situation and do a little detective work when all my questions were quickly answered. There, on the floor next to my bed -- my foot was directly atop a lovely pair of soaking wet jammies. Apparently when there is a midnight bed wetting in this house, it's appropriate to strip down and plant your naked self right between Mom and Dad, steal Mom's pillow and snuggle your tiny ass right up into the face of the nearest parent. I'm seriously thinking of reversing the lock on their bedroom door.