Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have been working on writing another children's book, and this morning I thought I'd debut the manuscript for the kids while we were snuggled up in bed watching cartoons. I thought I'd get the most honest assessment of their interest levels if I paused Mickey Mouse and read through their protests. So away I went, timidly reading my newest manuscript to them (it's a real crusher when they hate something I wrote... little critics!). I got to the end and they had both been silent the entire time. I asked how they liked it...
Jordan: I yuv it, Mommy!
Emma: I yuv it too.
Jordan: I yuv it forever.
Emma: I yuv it fah-ever too.
Jordan: I yuv ALL Mommy's stories forever.
Emma: I yuv all Mommy's stowies fah-ever too.
Jordan: I yuv all Mommy's stories five-ever.

Oh children... children, please... Keep going. ;)